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Ysgol Alexandra

Assessment Centre

Welcome to Wrexham Assessment Centre

What do we do?


The Assessment Centre is a highly specialised resource centre that provides placements for 3-7 year olds.

The Centre assesses children's additional learning needs whilst developing their skills through a suitably differentiated Foundation Phase Curriculum. Most children remain in the Assessment Centre for a short period of time only, depending on the individual needs of the child. Some children attend on a part-time basis. The aim of the Assessment Centre is to identify children’s individual needs and identify educational provision to meet those needs.

The centre works very closely with parents and other professionals/agencies that are providing support for a child, for example Speech and Language Therapy Services, Physiotherapy Services, Pre-School Development Team etc..

The centre provides advice and support to other schools. The staff also work in partnership with teachers from other schools to facilitate children’s inclusion into their local school if appropriate. Other children move on to designated placements usually attached to mainstream schools elsewhere in Wrexham. Occasionally, children will require more specialised placement following their period of assessment.

Meet our Staff

Parent Handbook/Prospectus

This contains lots of useful information about what we do at Wrexham Assessment Centre

Assessment Centre Classes

Please click below to see more detailed information on each of our classes


Spring Term 2025

 A huge welcome back to all of our children and families, it is wonderful to see school full of happy smiling faces after the busy Christmas break. The children look so smart in their full school uniforms and black shoes.

The Spring term is always a busy one and we have lots of exciting things planned. Please keep a look out for emails and Seesaw messages.

Thank you

Mrs Andrews











Useful Information

BRAND NEW!! FREE Online course for parents and family members

New ALN (Additional Learning Needs) Reform Updates

February 2021 - ALN Letter sent to parents

October 2021 - Letter for Parents

                  Blended Learning

Please see Google Classroom and Seesaw for your child's Blended Learning Tasks.

Details (days and times) of Google Classroom Live Meet sessions will be shared with you on Class Pages, Google Classroom and Seesaw.

                     Lockdown 2021 


WAC video.mp4

Still image for this video