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Ysgol Alexandra

Dosbarth Oak (Y1/2)

Croeso i Dosbarth Oak


Welcome to Dosbarth Oak's class page. In Dosbarth Oak, Miss Carroll is the class teacher. We also have two wonderful teaching assistants, Mrs Jones and Mrs Saunders. On Monday afternoon, Miss Carroll has Management time. During this time, Dosbarth Oak will be taught by Mrs Richards, who will be teaching PSD. On Friday afternoons, the children have Forest School with Miss Jones.


In Dosbarth Oak, the children are placed at the centre of their learning, where their ideas and interests influence all areas as they plan how they are going to develop and apply their skills.  We encourage our children to be independent and we instil a 'We Can Do' approach to develop happy, confident and capable learners.


We aim to provide the children with as many real-life experiences as possible and plan many exciting opportunities to enrich their learning. The children learn through a careful balance of focus teaching, enhanced and continuous provision and daily access to our outdoor learning environments. During this time, children experience a wide range of learning opportunities where they independently explore and investigate in a variety of areas, consolidate their learning and challenge themselves further.  Our high expectations, care and dedication to your children ensure that they reach their full potential in a happy, safe and fun environment. 


On our class page you will find information about our current topics and have the opportunity to see some of our learning in action! 


Please click on the link below and take a closer look at our current topic map to see what we will be learning this half term. 


You will also find the children's homework for this half term.


Don't forget to check out our Twitter page @alexcptweets to see the exciting things we have been doing. You can also post your homework there too!  


How you can support your child


Read, Write Inc - We follow Read, Write Inc to help children develop their reading and writing skills through daily sessions at a level appropriate for their development. In addition to reading books, we also provide resources such as flashcards to further support this at home. Please encourage your child to spend 10 minutes each evening looking through their flashcards and reading their book. Please see the link below for more information regarding Read Write Inc. 


PE - Children in Dosbarth Oak have PE every Wednesday. Please make sure your child has a PE kit consisting of a plain white t-shirt, black shorts and pumps or trainers. In the winter they may wear a plain black tracksuit. It is very important that your child's clothes are clearly labelled.


Forest School - Children in Dosbarth Oak have Forest School every Wednesday afternoon with Miss Jones. Forest School is a fantastic way to build up children's skills, abilities and confidence through practical hands-on activities in the outdoors. It provides children with rich opportunities to explore, learn and discover at their own pace in a safe and supportive space. Forest School uses natural resources to stimulate imagination, creativity and investigation. 


Forest School sessions will take place entirely outside in the natural environment whatever the weather. We will provide shelter from the elements, but it is still important that your child wears clothes that are waterproof, warm and clothes that are OK to get wet and muddy. 

Your child should wear

  • A waterproof coat
  • Wellington boats (or sturdy walking boats/old trainers)
  • Comfortable long trousers (waterproof if they own a pair)
  • Comfortable, warm long sleeved top or fleece
  • Thick socks if the weather is cold - thermal if possible or two pairs of thinner socks
  • Hat and gloves
  • Two bags, one to put dirty forest school clothes in and another bag for their wellies


On Forest School days (Wednesdays), children will come to school wearing their full school uniform and will then change into their Forest School kit. Children will bring their kit into school weekly so that they can be taken home and cleaned. 


Snack - Children in Years 1 and 2 are provided with milk daily. We ask that children bring a healthy snack consisting of fresh fruit or vegetables only. 


Google Classroom - Children in Dosbarth Oak will access Google Classroom during the school day and also for some of their homework. Please see the link below. 


Seesaw - Seesaw is a fantastic tool that allows myself and the children to independently document their own learning by uploading photos, videos, audio recordings and more. This also provides opportunities for discussion and encourages the children to reflect upon their learning during this process.  This is a wonderful opportunity for you to see the progress your child is making throughout the school year. Please make sure you have joined our class Seesaw page and check it regularly as this is where I post important information. You can also contact me via Seesaw if you have any queries or concerns. 

Our Topics

We will begin our half term with a very exciting project... 'Dragon's Den'. As a class we will be using a variety of skills to research, develop and sell a project.  Children will use their statistical skills to conduct market research and record data through tally charts, pictograms and block diagrams. They will need to set a budget, find out the cost of materials or ingredients and set a target for their sales. They will also create advertisements for their product, using their literacy skills to write persuasive letters and posters that will advertise our product across the school. Children will also develop their Oracy and money skills when selling to children across the school.


After our wonder weeks we will be moving on to our 'Superhero and Villains' topic. We will be exploring different superheroes (both fictional and non-fictional), looking at their qualities and skills. Children will have the opportunity to voice what they would like to find out during this topic, encouraging them to lead their own learning. During this topic, there will also be an opportunity for us to explore how superheroes keep fit and stay healthy. Children will use information that they have learnt to create their own superheroes, thinking about their traits and qualities. They will also use their design skills to create new logos, outfits and capes for their new superhero. We will be linking this to Welsh by learning clothing vocabulary.

During this half term, we will be learning the 'Hansel and Gretel' story through the Talk for Writing approach. Children will imitate, innovate and independently apply skills to write their own conquer the monster story. In maths, we will be looking at 2D and 3D shapes and their properties. We will then begin our measurement unit to learn about length, mass and capacity.

Homework Summer 2: The Olympics

Meet the Teacher - Dosbarth Oak Autumn 22

Meet the teacher
