Croeso i Dosbath Blossom
Miss Campbell Mrs Heath Mrs Gauterin Miss Jones
Welcome to Dosbarth Blossom's class page. In Dosbarth Blossom, Miss Campbell is our class Teacher and Mrs Heath and Mrs Gauterin are our class Teaching Assistants. Miss Jones will be covering forest school on a Friday morning.
Here on our class page you will find all of the important documents you need, if you would like to see our learning in action please join our class Seesaw where we post daily.
General Information
PE: Dosbarth Blossom will have PE every Wednesday. Children will need black joggers or shorts, a plain white top and plain black trainers or pumps. Please make sure your child's PE is clearly labelled.
Forest School: Dosbarth Blossom will be heading into the outdoors every Friday morning with Miss Jones our Forest School Teacher. Children will need need warm outdoor clothes and shoes that they don't mind getting wet and muddy every Friday.
Please make sure you are part of our class Seesaw, we upload important information and messages and it is also a way for you to keep up to date with what we get up to in class. You will have been sent an email or a paper invitation to join our class Seesaw.
Below are some helpful videos and documents about how to use Seesaw and how your child can upload any homework they complete to Seesaw.
Click here to watch the video: Getting Started with Seesaw
Spring 1 - Cynefin
This term we will be looking at 'Cynefin' which relates to our sense of belonging allowing us to discover all the wonderful things Wales has to offer and what we love about Wales in general. We have had a very exciting letter from Longwei- the Chinese dragon who is going to be arriving in Wales to celebrate Chinese New Year. He has written to the Welsh dragon who have enlisted us as tour guides! We will be showcasing all that Wales has to offer from its rolling hills to ancient castles and vibrant traditions making sure that he sees Wales in its true beauty. We are going to take part in some Welsh traditions such as weaving and creating a video to promote Wales to show others why it is a great place to visit. In maths we will be looking at subtraction before moving on to multiplication and division. In Literacy we will be focussing on a Welsh myth and legend 'The Sword in the Stone' before looking at leaflets in order to produce one all about Wales for Longwei to keep from his tour.
Here you will find our Homework grids. There are 6 activities in total all differentiated so please choose which activities you think are most appropriate for your child and complete at least 3. You can submit Homework via Google Classroom, Twitter or bring it into school. Here you will find our Homework grids which will usually be posted every second Friday of a fresh half term. There are 6 activities in total all differentiated so please choose which activities you think are most appropriate for your child and complete at least 3. You can submit Homework via Seesaw, Twitter or bring it into school.
Please click on the link below for an electronic copy of our homework grid:
Homework grid - Spring 1
Alongside the homework grids children also have logins for each of the following learning platforms. Please click on the links below to take you directly to the websites:
Google Classroom
All of our class are now set up on Google Classroom, we will be using Google Classroom throughout our year in class and I will also be setting tasks to be completed at home via Google Classroom.
Please click the link below to find a help sheet about how to log on to Google Classroom: