Croeso i wefan Dosbarth Beech
Miss Ffoulkes Miss Jones Mrs Brown Mrs Gauterin
Welcome to Dosbarth Beech's class page. In Dosbarth Beech, Miss Ffoulkes is our Class Teacher and Mrs Brown is our class Teaching Assistant, along with Mrs Gauterin who works with the three year 3/4 classes. We are very lucky to have Miss Jones who runs our Forest School with us for one morning a week as well.
Here on our class page you will find all of the important documents you need and take a look at our learning in action.
General Information
PE: For Autumn Term 2, Dosbarth Beech will be having PE every Thursday afternoon. Children will need their PE every Tuesday.
Forest School: Dosbarth Beech will be having Forest School every Wednesday morning with Miss Jones. Children will need their Forest School kit every Wednesday. A kit list letter has been sent out.
Spring 1 - Cynefin
Topic: This half term we will be focussing on the word Cynefin and what that means to us. We will be looking at what Wales has to offer and the amazing opportunities on our doorstep. We will be using Mantle of the Expert technique to draw the children into the Topic and allow them to become Travel experts. They will use this knowledge to create a tour of Wales for the Chinese Dragon ahead of Chinese New Year.
PE: This half term we will be doing circuit training. We will focus on endurance, balance, perseverance and teamwork. The children will have the opportunity to come up with their own circuit at the end of the topic.
English: Our text for Talk for Writing will be an adaption of the legend 'The Sword in the Stone'. We will be focussing on writing journey stories and being able to plan our own stories using this model.
Maths: We will be focussing on subtraction and then moving onto multiplication.
Here you will find our Homework grids which will usually be posted every second Friday of a fresh half term. There are 6 activities in total all differentiated so please choose which activities you think are most appropriate for your child and complete at least 3. You can submit Homework via Seesaw, Twitter or bring it into school. All children should be able to upload to Seesaw from home but if you have any trouble with this, contact the class teacher via Seesaw. We expect the children to be sending home via their own accounts and not through parent's messages as it encourages independence and ICT skills.
Please click on the link below for an electronic copy of our current homework grid:
Below are all of the previous homework grids and half termly overviews from this Academic year:
Autumn 2 - Let's Celebrate!
Topic: This half term we will be focussing on celebrations around the World. We are going to be looking at a few a bit more closely and they are: Diwali, the Hindu festival of life; Eid al-Fitr, the Islam festival commemorating the end of Ramadan and Christmas, the Christian festival celebrating the birth of Jesus.
PE: We will be picking up where we left off last half term and continuing with Gymnastics.
Maths: Addition and Subtraction is our main focus this half term, with a little bit of temperature and measuring thrown into the mix!
English: Our text for Talk for Writing will be an adaption of the story 'The Snowman'by Raymond Briggs. We will be focussing on descriptive writing and creating our own characters.
Autumn 1 - Reach for the Stars!
For the first three weeks of the term we will be solely focussing on the children. This is an opportunity for me to get to know my new class better and for the children to learn about their friends and themselves. We will be looking at achievements, goals, aiming high and what we might want to be when we grow up.
PE - in PE we will be focussing on Gymnastics, primarily on movement.
Maths - Place Value is a main focus so any types of number games you can play at home with your children would be very beneficial.
Alongside the homework grids children also have logins for each of the following learning platforms. Please click on the links below to take you directly to the websites:
Google Classroom
All of our class are now set up on Google Classroom, we will be using Google Classroom throughout our year in class.
Please click the link below to find a help sheet about how to log on to Google Classroom: