Welcome to Dosbarth Blossom's class page. In Dosbarth Blossom, Miss Pope is our class Teacher and Mrs Hack and Mrs Rowlands are our class Teaching Assistants.
Here on our class page you will find all of the important documents you need, if you would like to see our learning in action please join our class Seesaw where we post daily.
In this class, the children are at the heart of everything we do. They help pick the topics we teach so they can get excited about their learning. The children follow a structured daily routine full of opportunities for hands on and play based learning. During this time, children experience a wide range of activities where they can independently consolidate their learning from focused sessions.
General Information
PE: Dosbarth Walnut will have PE every Wednesday. Children will need black joggers or shorts, a plain white top and plain black trainers or pumps. Please make sure your child's PE is clearly labelled.
Forest School: Dosbarth Walnut will be heading into the outdoors every Tuesday morning with Miss Jones our Forest School Teacher. Children will need need warm outdoor clothes and shoes that they don't mind getting wet and muddy every Tuesday.
Forest School sessions will take place entirely outside in the natural environment whatever the weather. We will provide shelter from the elements, but it is still important that your child wears clothes that are waterproof, warm and clothes that are OK to get wet and muddy.
Your child should wear:
- A waterproof coat
- Wellington boats (or sturdy walking boats/old trainers)
- Comfortable long trousers (waterproof if they own a pair)
- Comfortable, warm long sleeved top or fleece
- Thick socks if the weather is cold - thermal if possible or two pairs of thinner socks
- Hat and gloves
- Two bags, one to put dirty forest school clothes in and another bag for their wellies
How you can support your child
Read, Write Inc
We follow Read, Write Inc to help children develop their reading and writing skills through daily sessions at a level appropriate for their development. In addition to reading books, we also provide resources such as flashcards to further support this at home. Please encourage your child to spend 10 minutes each evening looking through their flashcards and reading their book. Please see the link below for more information regarding Read Write Inc.
Please make sure you are part of our class Seesaw, we upload important information and messages and it is also a way for you to keep up to date with what we get up to in class. You will have been sent an email or a paper invitation to join our class Seesaw.
Below are some helpful videos and documents about how to use Seesaw and how your child can upload any homework they complete to Seesaw.
Click here to watch the video: Getting Started with Seesaw
Autumn 1 - Inspirational People
We will begin our school year with a very important theme... 'Reach for the Stars'. During this time we will be helping the children to settle into their new class, learning new routines and developing friendships. We will be using the book 'The Magical Yet' to help our children develop a strong growth mindset, teaching them the importance of perseverance and the power of yet!
Following this, we will be moving on to our first topic... Inspirational People, where the children will learn about different inspirational people in their lives. The children will then think carefully about who they want to become when they are grown. They will have the opportunity to meet with lots of different inspirational people such as artists, doctors, the emergency services, footballers, etc, and ask questions during our careers day. As a class we will be developing a variety of skills, including our oracy as we will be learning how to ask and answer questions effectively. We will also be focussing on our writing skills, such as developing our understanding of sentences and the use of capital letters and full stops.
During this half term, we will be learning the story of 'The Gingerbread Man' through the Talk for Writing approach. Children will imitate, innovate and independently apply skills to write their own cumulative story. In maths, we will be learning all about place value, including reading and writing numbers, counting, ordering numbers, representing numbers and partitioning numbers.
Here you will find our Homework grids. There are 6 activities in total all differentiated so please choose which activities you think are most appropriate for your child and complete at least 3. You can submit Homework via Seesaw, Twitter or bring it into school.
Please click on the links below for an electronic copy of our homework grid:
Alongside the homework grids children also have logins for each of the following learning platforms. Your child should have come home with a login card which has all the details they will need to access these platforms, if you need a new copy of their login card please get in touch. Please click on the links below to take you directly to the websites: