Croeso i Dosbarth Juniper
Who is in our class?

A Little Bit About Our Class
Welcome to Dosbarth Juniper’s Class Page! In Dosbarth Juniper, Miss Wikluk is the class teacher who is supported by the four teaching assistants Mrs Evans-Bray, Mrs Walker, Mrs Valentine and Mrs Hughes.
In Dosbarth Juniper, the children are provided with a safe and fun learning environment where the Foundation Phase Curriculum is tailored to suit the children’s needs and abilities. A child-centred approach is adopted when planning for, and teaching individual children within Dosbarth Juniper. Focused activities are carefully balanced with the opportunity to explore different areas of the classroom where they can work on their communication and social skills or consolidate their learning. This helps to ensure that each child is in an environment where they can reach their potential.
The children’s learning and communication skills are supported by a range of specialist strategies such as Picture Exchange Communication Systems (PECS), Makaton sign language, visual aids and communication boards. We apply a multi-sensory approach to our learning wherever possible to help engage the children further.
On our class page, you will find information about our current topics and see what we will be learning about this half-term. You will also be able to find your child’s homework tasks for this half term.
Our week in class
When is our P.E. day?
Our P.E. day is on a Monday. Children will need both an indoor and outdoor kit in school.
Show and Tell
Every Wednesday the children will be allowed to bring in something from home for show and tell. This is a great opportunity for them to develop their speaking and listening skills whilst talking about something special to them.