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Ysgol Alexandra

Dosbarth Pine (Y5/6)

 Croeso i wefan Dosbarth Pine


     Miss Williams                      Mrs Clapton                                Miss Jones

Welcome to Dosbarth Pine's class page. In Dosbarth Pine, Miss Williams is the class teacher and Mrs Clapton and Mrs Neen are the class teaching assistants. 

Here you will find all the information that you will need regarding PE and Forest School Days, important upcoming dates and general information for this half term.


Seesaw information has been transferred over to this year so if you haven't got access to Pine's seesaw account or struggling to log on, please let Miss Williams know and we can help.





PE - Tuesday afternoon. Please bring in PE kits which are black shorts/ trackies with a white top


Forest School - Wednesday afternoon. Please bring in Forest School kits (warm clothes as you will be outside no matter the weather) 



Mini Olympics - Friday 14th June

Sports Day - Friday 5th July

Class trip - Thursday 11th July

Leavers Service - Thursday 18th July





Below you will find our Homework. Here you will find all the general school information as well as the 6 activities in total all differentiated so please choose which activities you think are most appropriate for your child and complete at least 4. You can submit Homework via Google Classroom, Twitter, Seesaw or bring it into school. 

Please click on the link below for an electronic copy of our homework grid.


Links to access from home

Seesaw is the main source of communication with myself, so any questions or enquiries please use this to speak to me. 


TT rock stars is a great way to practice your times table. Every child has their own logins.


IDL is a site used to help children with reading and spelling which can be accessed at home. Each child has their own logins.

Please click the links below to access these
